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Staff Application

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1Staff Application Empty Staff Application Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:34 am


In game user name: Starkman123
Age: 13
Location: NewZealand
Any experience as a staff member?: Yes, on another server called OFM, I am a Sadmin (Super Admin).
How much time will you spend on the server?: I will be on, mostly holidays.
Do you have skype?: Yes
How will you help the servers social enviornment?: I have made a video and am going to upload it to YouTube and share it on FaceBook
What rank do you desire?: Admin/Mod
why do you want this rank?: To help people
Do you know the server rules?: Yes

2Staff Application Empty Re: Staff Application Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:17 pm



Sorry but i barely know you, please play the server more.

3Staff Application Empty Re: Staff Application Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:29 pm



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